Working together works. And has for 25 years.

In 1998, a handful of people from local churches had an idea: let’s bring together our neighbors to help our neighbors.

Bringing people together to work together
Neighbors helping neighbors. It’s more than a slogan; it’s the heart of our mission and how we will feed over 20,000 families this year. Our people come from all over the neighborhood: churches, synagogues, and faith-based organizations; schools and universities; local businesses; non-profit and civic organizations. We bring people together from across the community because neighbors want to help neighbors. And through THCA they do.
Since 1998, thousands of neighbors have helped their neighbors through THCA.
In 2023, THCA will engage at least 162 individual volunteers, 25 Emory interns and 24 high school service students, to donate 17,000+ volunteer hours; as well as at least 21 faith-based organizations, 23 local businesses, over 20,000 families and provide over 1 million pounds of food!

Straight from one of our many partners:
“We are honored to be partners in the Toco Hills Community Alliance! What makes this collaboration successful is that it brings communities of faith, businesses, schools and individuals together working around a shared set of values. This unity and focus enables us to accomplish the work that we do and broadens the impact that we make in the area of food insecurity. Our collective success also empowers us to be thought leaders and enablers to others who wish to work in the area of food insecurity.” Pastor Alfred Holston, Co-Pastor of Hope Xpress Community Church (A Sustaining Partner) and a THCA Board Member.
we begin our NEXT 25 years
It was the vision of those that started it all 25 years ago and remains our vision today. We hope you’ll consider supporting us this year as we begin our NEXT 25 years of bringing our community together in love, compassion and service to others.