Because of our relationships with our community partners, we can buy food for pennies on the retail dollar – $10 provides a 40 lb. box of food for a family of 4!
THCA is registered with IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)3 corporation.
EIN 80-0037942
Our food pantry program provides thousands of pounds of food each week to meet the needs of the homeless and families experiencing food insecurity. If you or your family, community group, class, or workplace would like to hold a drive to gather food and other items to support our food pantry click the button below for a list of items most helpful to our homeless population and families in need of assistance.
Our neighbors need clothes for work, play, and worship. Please ensure your donated items are in season, clean, no holes or stains, but are gently used. We also accept new clothing – all undergarments and socks must be new.
We will also take sheets, towels, and wash cloths.
We cannot accept out of season clothes, men’s suits, pillows, toys, or household items.
Donated items can be dropped off Monday through Friday 9am to noon ONLY.
The policy for inclement weather at Toco Hills Community Alliance is that if Dekalb county schools close for weather reasons, Toco Hills Community Alliance will also be closed for the day.