The simple act of breaking bread can bring people together, fostering understanding and compassion.
We invite you to join us by “breaking bread” with your neighbors in the Toco Hills community through your best gift.
Together, we can ensure that no one goes hungry in our community.
THCA is registered with IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)3 corporation.
EIN 80-0037942
To donate via check, please mail the check to our secure box at Toco Hills Community Alliance 2897 N Druid Hills Rd #115
Atlanta, GA 30329
If you or your family, community group, class, or workplace would like to hold a drive to gather food and other items to support our food pantry, click the button below for a list of items most helpful to our homeless population and families in need of assistance.
We accept donations from 9am to noon, Monday through Friday
We recommend Giving on the Go as an alternative.
Giving On The Go, Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that offers donated clothing to people with low or no income at events throughout the community. By partnering with other charities, Giving On The Go attends outreach events across the city like health fairs, food distributions, and vendor markets. They set up mobile clothing closets that offer men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing for free in our Metro area.
To make donations, contact Kristine Hayes [email protected] to schedule drop off or possible pick up.
Please Note
The policy for inclement weather at Toco Hills Community Alliance is that if Dekalb county schools close for weather reasons, Toco Hills Community Alliance will also be closed for the day.