Our community is committed to generosity
For the past 25 years, we have helped our neighbors turn their generosity into meaningful assistance for those suffering from hunger and food insecurity.
Unleashing the generosity from every corner of our community.
Our community truly bands together to help those suffering from food insecurity. This year, we will distribute weekly boxes of food that often total 40 pounds or more (over a million pounds total for the year) to struggling families; serve hot meals to thousands of unhoused friends and neighbors; help to fill school backpacks with food for children to bring home for the weekend. It all comes from local stores and retailers; restaurants and caterers; organic farmers; faith-based communities. And of course, our partnership with the Atlanta Community Food Bank, Second Helpings Atlanta, Goodr, the Sandwich Brigade, and Bagel Rescue. All total, we work with over 30 retail, restaurant, and non-profit partners to garner the food to serve over 20,000 families this year.
Our Community: Committed to Generosity
For several years, Oak Grove United Methodist Church has sponsored the Spooky to Be Hungry Food Drive and delivered literal tons of food to Toco Hills Community Alliance. For the past 6 years, each delivery has been over 12,000 each time!
Toco Hills Community Alliance
Second Helpings Atlanta (SHA) is a
food rescue organization delivering
food to Toco Hills Community
Alliance for the past 5 years.
In 2023, they have delivered over
160,000 pounds of food to THCA!
SHA Food Network Manager, Kim
Soltero says: “From groceries to
prepared meals, THCA serves their
neighbors with care and respect
every day. Second Helpings Atlanta
is proud to play a part in THCA’s
efforts to nourish their community
with vital food resources.”
Big things grow
The parable of the mustard seed –
the smallest of seeds that grows into
a tree so large that birds nest in its
branches – is a metaphor used in
multiple traditions to demonstrate, in
part, how little things can become big
things with faith and love.
THCA demonstrates this every day:
A dime turns into a pound of food.
A dollar provides a hot meal to many.
The unused food from a catering
company is combined with the
leftover bread from a bakery and
added to the unused groceries from
a supermarket and, combined with
the efforts of dozens of volunteers,
suddenly 150 households have food
for a week!
Because of the dream of a few 25
years ago, the generosity of many
has been unleashed to help
thousands today.