Dear Supporter of Toco Hills Community Alliance.

Many of our staff and volunteers, and probably many of you, have been able to take some time for vacation this summer. It is so good to be able to get away from the regular routine, get some rest even. Hunger, however, does not take a vacation!

Because hunger doesn’t take a vacation, neither does Toco Hills Community Alliance. We are here, and despite heat, summer storms, staff and volunteers taking needed time off, we stay open to keep fighting food insecurity in our neighborhood. We are here, ensuring the nearly 500 families a week who come to us have enough healthy,

We can only do this because of the incredible support of you, our community. You are our partners in work that is literally life-saving.
In a recent study, researchers found poverty – the primary reason for food insecurity – is the 4th leading cause of death in the USA! Poverty takes the lives of 800 people every day and kills more people than homicide, gun violence, diabetes, or obesity. Together, we are saving the lives of hundreds of people every week.
When you donate funds or food or supplies or volunteer time or connect us to the community, you are helping us save lives. Because
hunger doesn’t take a vacation, we need your help all year round.
And, this fall, we may need to ask for your help to save lives with a different kind of support. The Farm Bill is a comprehensive package of legislation renewed every five years. It plays a crucial role in determining the price of food and provides financial support to farmers. Additionally, it determines the funding for vital programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits and The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP).

The Farm Bill plays a significant role in our ability to keep our shelves and refrigerators and freezer stocked with good, healthy food to share with our neighbors. With the continuing high need, we will be keeping a close eye on developments with the Farm Bill and sharing with you any ways you can help ensure that we can continue to meet the ever-increasing need in our neighborhood.

Summer will end soon enough, and as we face the fall, we face it more readily knowing that we have your support, that we have a whole community behind us who cares Lives like.
- the unhoused woman who comes every week not just for food, but also to hear people say how glad they are to see her.
- the Ukrainian refugee who was so wary of coming to us, but now comes eager to share how her family is doing.
- the Muslim family who comes and are so very grateful that we are usually able to provide the kinds of foods they can eat.
- the mother fleeing domestic violence and making a new life for herself and her young son.
Thank you so much for saving these and other lives, for remembering them and us, even as you take your vacation this. Because hunger certainly does not take a vacation.

Rev. Dr. Lisa Heilig, Executive Director

If you want to donate or coordinate a drive, here are the most needed items. We are in URGENT NEED of diapers sizes 4,5,6, & 7 and baby wipes. The foods we are most in need of are:
- Shelf Stable Milk - Dairy or Non-Dairy
- EZ Open Cans of Soup/Stew/Chili/Pasta
- Canned Vegetables
- Canned Fruits
We very much need clean used cloth and plastic shopping bags.
We can also use cleaning/office supplies, such as:
- Paper towels
- Packing tape
Someone is available to take donations at Toco Hills Community Alliance building on Monday through Friday from 9am until noon. Drive up under the white tent and our volunteers will retrieve the items from your car.

We are always in need of good, dependable volunteers who can help sort, stock, cook, clean, share, care… Please go to http://bttr.im/po89m to sign up
For any questions, please email us at [email protected]
We can now accept donations of stock! If you have stock you would like to donate to THCA, you or your broker can go to: https://donatestock.com/toco-hillscommunity-alliance-inc
Thank you all for your continued support!